A career that matters

Why Castlemead?

As one of the few remaining truly independent broker businesses, we’ve a well-earned reputation among our UK and European clients for solving the thorniest of insurance challenges. Challenges best solved through teamwork and investment in our people’s ongoing personal and professional development.

Values we work by

Our values act as a North Star for how we do business, they shape  everything decision-making to relationship building to measuring success. There’s more about our values here, but here’s the short version:

  • Our clients’ problems are our problems: we always look for ways to make life easier and simpler for our clients, provide more value, and deliver better results.

  • Commercial know-how: we strive to understand how businesses work and what makes them tick. Then we apply this know-how for our clients’ benefit and ours.

  • We’re supportive: we aim to lift everyone up – insurers, suppliers, clients, colleagues – to be the best they can be and to achieve the best possible results.

  • We’re tenacious: we want the best for clients and move heaven and earth to get the job done. That means no I’s undotted or T’s uncrossed until everyone’s happy.

  • We’re honest: we’re truthful, yet respectful, no matter how people behave. We keep our promises and present risks fairly – even if it makes life harder for us.

What our people say

We make a real effort to invest in our people’s personal and professional development. To show what’s possible, we’ve shone a spotlight on three individuals to hear in their own words how their careers have developed at Castlemead.

Sarah Parry ACII

Shaun Johnstone ACII

Billy Kite

Join us

We are always keen* to hear from customer-focused insurance professionals who love the work they do and the industry they’re in. And even if none of our vacancies suit you right now, we’d still like to hear from you.

*We’re not keen on accepting unsolicited CVs or cover letters from recruitment agencies.

Current vacancies

If there are no vacancies listed, please send us an email by filling out our form below.

Work with us

      Bristol office:
      Castlemead House
      St John's Road
      Bristol BS3 1AL

      0117 945 3900

      Exeter office:
      Leeward House
      Fitzroy Road
      Exeter Business Park
      Exeter EX1 3LJ

      0117 945 3900