Castlemead Insurance Brokers Limited (“Castlemead”) Privacy Notice

We are committed to the confidentiality and security of the information provided by you to us. This Privacy statement describes how Castlemead collects, uses and retains personal information.

We have a legal duty to protect confidential information that we collect about you. In order to safeguard your details we use appropriate procedures and technical security measures.

Please note that by submitting Personal Data manually or in electronic form to us, you give your consent that all Personal Data may be processed by, and/or shared, in the manner and for the purposes described in this Privacy notice.

What information do we collect?

Information we process may be defined as personal and/or sensitive personal information. Personal information is information that can be used to identify a living individual e.g. name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, driving licence, passport or national insurance number.

In addition, personal information may contain sensitive personal information; for example, this can be information about your health, financial history and/or any criminal convictions.

In order to provide our services we may need to obtain photographs; design or architectural plans and other information that may be relevant to arranging cover.

We will not use personal and/or sensitive personal information except for the specific purpose for which you provide it and to carry out the services as set out within this notice.

If you contact us electronically, we may record your electronic identifiers, such as your email address or internet protocol (IP) address.

As part of our standard procedures calls may be recorded and personal information may be retained in this way for the purposes set out in this notice.

How we use your information

The information that you provide will be used for providing insurance services including; providing quotations, arranging cover, administration and assessment of policies, handling claims, responding to queries and complaints, prevention or detection of fraud or other crime.

The legal basis for processing personal data is in order to fulfil our contractual obligations for the purposes of providing insurance services.  Additionally there are certain legal obligations that require us to process, retain and potentially share personal information. There are some circumstances where there is a legitimate interest for the individuals data to be processed, which is not covered by contract or legal obligation.

Castlemead will ensure that there is a lawful basis for any personal data it processes

Who we share your information with

We may pass your personal and/or sensitive personal information to relevant third parties. These include (but are not limited to) insurers; reinsurers; other insurers and brokers;  regulators; service providers; legal  and professional advisers; loss adjusters; surveyors and claims handlers.

We may also provide information to your own agents and service providers as requested;.

We may also share your personal and/or sensitive personal information with law enforcement, fraud detection, credit reference and debt collection agencies, and with industry-related third parties to:

  • Evaluate insurance and financial risks
  • Aid recovery  of debt
  • Prevent of fraud and other crime

There may be times when we need to share your personal (but not sensitive) data with other relevant parties. This is to support the operation of your insurance policy. Examples may include (but are not limited to):

  • Confirmation that your policy payment has  been successfully received
  • Provision of your contact details (including telephone numbers, email and postal addresses)
  • Provision of copy policy documentation – this is typically to demonstrate insurance is in place as needed for landlords, Freeholders, third parties who have a legitimate need to know insurance is in place

Please be aware that personal and sensitive data relevant to your insurance policy will be displayed on your Statement of Facts document. This document is available to all parties with an insurable interest in your insurance policy. This is also the case where a single point of contact has been nominated to act on behalf of a number of others, for example within a Directors & Officers policy.

The insurance industry has a requirement to share data effectively to prevent multiple claims, reduce attempted fraud, confirm valid insurance is in place and provide information to law enforcement agencies.

Access to your Information and correction and contacting us

You have a right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please contact:

Nick Frost ACII
Castlemead Insurance Brokers Ltd
Castlemead House
St Johns Road

If any of your information is inaccurate you can ask us to correct or update it

Providing consent to store and process your information

By providing us with your personal and/or sensitive personal information, you consent to your information being used, processed, disclosed, transferred and retained for the purposes set out within this notice.

If you supply us with personal information or sensitive personal information of other individuals, please ensure that you have properly obtained their consent for the processing of their information.

You should show this notice to any such individuals.

Please note that if you do not consent to the processing of your information or you withdraw consent, we may be unable to provide you with insurance services.

Data retention periods

Our general record keeping and data retention policy is driven by the Finance Conduct Authority (“FCA”) principal that records are retained for as long as is relevant for the purposes for which they are made.

As a general rule we are obliged to retain data in an electronic or physical format for at least 7 years after the end of the relevant insurance period. This includes all records relevant to the quotation, insurance policies, claims or policy administration. We use a secure storage facility to archive paper records pending retrieval or destruction once no longer required.

Where there are legal operational or regulatory reasons, or where it is deemed to be in the individuals interest, information may be held securely for longer periods, as deemed appropriate.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our General Insurance Privacy Notice under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page.  This notice was last updated on the 16th March 2023


Get in touch

Bristol office:
Castlemead House
St John's Road
Bristol BS3 1AL

0117 945 3900

Exeter office:
Leeward House
Fitzroy Road
Exeter Business Park
Exeter EX1 3LJ

0117 945 3900